The Preferred Characteristics of Directors of the Academic Affair and Planning Division at the Sub-district Municipalities in Nongkhai Province

รุ่งรัตน์ คงทัน


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the preferred characteristics of directors of the academic affair and planning division at sub-district municipalities in Nongkhai province, and (2) to compare characteristics of those directors of the academic affair and planning divisions at sub-district municipalities in Nongkhai province.  The research tool was questionnaire. Data were collected from 120 samples. Statistics for data analysis tools were percentage, mean, and standard deviation, while Scheffe’s method was employed for multiple pairwise comparison, and content analysis was also employed. Results revealed the following: 1) the opinions given from mayors, deputy mayors, and city council members on their preferred characteristics of directors of academic affair and planning division at sub-district municipalities in Nongkhai province were found at the high level, and when considering each aspect, all of them were at the high levels, while the aspect of human relationship was found at the highest level, followed by academic knowledge, ethics and morality, respectively, 2) comparison of their opinions on their preferred characteristics of directors of academic affair and planning division at sub-district municipalities in Nongkhai province had revealed no difference, either in general or on each aspect.


Preferred characteristics and planning

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