The Roles of Change Leadership of the Technical Director at the Udonthani Provincial Administrative

อุกฤษฎ์ กองภา


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the roles of transformational leadership of the technical director at the Provincial Administrative Organization Udon Thani, and 2) to make comparison from opinions of officials and permanent staffs classified by gender, age, educations, designation and work experience. The research tool was questionnaire. Research data were collected 338 samples of officials and permanent staffs under the Provincial Administrative Organization Udon Thani. Data were analyzed by statistical analysis application. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Comparison of roles of change leadership of the technical director of the Provincial Administrative Organization Udon Thani was classified by demographic characteristics. The researcher conducted data analysis using t-test at significance level of 0.05 for dual variables, One Way ANOVA for single variable, and F-test at significance level of 0.05 for multiple variables. Research results revealed the following: 1) Results from the analysis of the roles of change leadership of the technical director of the Provincial Administrative Organization Udon Thani  in opinions of related personnel were found to be at high level in general. The means of the individual relationship aspect was ranked at the highest, and followed by aspects of proper role model, vision and mission statement development, motivation, and intellectual motivation, respectively,  2) the comparison of the roles of change leadership of the technical director of the Provincial Administrative Organization Udon Thani in opinions of officials and permanent staffs classified by gender, age, education, designation and experience was found to reveal no difference at significance level of 0.05.


Transformational Leadership

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