Relationship between Employee Loyalty and Retention at Thai Commercial Bank

พรทิวา บัญชาพัฒนศักดา


The objective of this study was to study relationship between loyalty and retention of employees at Thai Commercial Bank. Questionnaire technique was used in collecting data from 400 employees of Thai Commercial Bank using proportional stratified random sampling in respondent screening. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools including mean and standard deviation, while inferential statistical tools in use were One-way ANOVA and multiple regressions in analysis of variable relationship.

Results revealed that factors of work environment, motivation, organization management, and joint values were at the high level respectively.  Regarding loyalty, it was found that in the aspect of mind, where employees were willing to commit and dedicate oneself for the organization in order to achieve one’s goals, was found to be at the high level, while in the aspect of norm, where employees were willing to satisfy organizational needs for their compensation, was found at the high level, and in the aspect of retention, where employees were loyal to the organization, was found to be at the high level. Results from variable relationship test, it was found that personal factors of employees at Thai Commercial Bank were related to awareness of loyalty to the organization. The factor of work environment had effects on their loyalty to the organization in the aspect of mind, and norm. The factor of joint values had influence on their loyalty to the organization in the aspect of mind, and norm. The factor of motivation had influence on their loyalty to the organization in the aspect of mind, and norm. Besides, results also revealed that their organization engagement in the aspect of mind and norm, had relationship with retention of the employees at Thai Commercial Bank at the significance level of 0.05.


Loyalty, Retention

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