The Development of Instructional Models of Task-based and Cooperative Learning for English Critical Reading and Communicative Writing Skills

สรณบดินทร์ ประสารทรัพย์


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop and determine effectiveness of instructional models for task-based and cooperative learning, 2) to compare students’ English critical reading and communicative writing capabilities before and after the courses, 3) to compare levels of students’ social skill before and after implementation, and 4) to analyze opinions of students on the model after implementation. Samples were 49 students of Grade 10 level at Debsirin School. Research tools included 1) the instructional models of task-based learning (TBL) and cooperative learning (CL), 2) the English critical reading and communicative writing skills test, 3) the social skill test, and 4) the questionnaire for students’ opinions on the instructional model implemented. Statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and t-test on independent variables. Findings revealed that 1) the developed models were found to be effective at 76.03/76.39 level, which was considered as good, 2) their capability in English critical reading and communicative writing was found to be significantly higher after implementation of the models at the level of 0.05, 3) their social skill was found to be significantly higher at the level of 0.05, and 4) students had positive attitudes towards the instructional models.


Instructional Model, Task-based Instruction, Cooperative Learning, Critical Reading, Communicative Writing

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