การดำเนินงานตามมาตรฐานศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็ก ในองค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล เหล่าดอกไม้ อำเภอชื่นชม จังหวัดมหาสารคาม

พัชรินทร์ ชิณเฮือง, วรวิทย์ จินดาพล


           The purposes of the research were 1) to study the operational standards child development center of local administrative In Lao Dok Mai Sub-district Administrative Organization,ChuenChom District Mahasarakham Province.  2) to compare the opinion of  local administrators, teachers working for early childhood development center, parents from Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2  by personal factors. The samples were 14 local administrators, 32 teachers working for early childhood development center, 23 parents from Kindergarten 1 and  22 parents from Kindergarten 2.The sample size was determined based on Krejcie and Morgan’s Sample Size Table. Survey the accuracy with content validity, Index of Consistency (IOC) at over 0.67 - 1.00. And 30 samples (Try Out) were tested for the validity and reliability of the content. The results were analyzed with computer. The Statistics used were percentage, means, standard deviation, T-test for variable two groups and F-test for variable three groups, analysis least Significant difference (LSD) and the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable and the correlation coefficient.

The results were as follows:

1. The overall management of the child development centers in Lao Dok Mai     Sub-district Administrative Organization,ChuenChom District Mahasarakham Province.  Was  at a high level. When considering each aspect found that the highest level average was of academic and curriculum activities, the next aspect was of management.

2. The operational comparative results found that local administrators, teachers working for early childhood development center, parents from Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 had no difference in their opinion on sex and education background  of  as a whole and each aspect.  Considering it by a whole aspect, working experience was found significantly different at the .05 level and by each aspect, management was found significantly different at the .05 level.

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