การจัดการเรียนรู้โดยใช้กิจกรรมเป็นฐาน เพื่อเสริมสร้างความคิดเชิงมโนทัศน์เรื่องสัทศาสตร์ ของนักศึกษาสาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา

ธีราภรณ์ พลายเล็ก


This research aimed to develop English major students’ conceptual thinking ability after receiving learning management based on Activity Based Learning which was                 stipulated that the students had to pass the criterion of 70 percent in the aspect of conceptual thinking in the subject of phonetics and to study the satisfaction regarding learning management based on Activity Based Learning of English major students in                     the faculty of Education, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.  The target group of this study included 30 first year English major students in the faculty of Education, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The instruments applied for data collection were a lesson plan,                         a conceptual thinking assessment form and a questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed by the applications of percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The study’s findings revealed the following: First, after receiving learning management based on Activity Based Learning, the students have passed the criterion of 70 percent in the aspect of conceptual thinking ability in the subject of phonetics. And the average percentage of students’ conceptual thinking ability was 79.33. Second, the students’ satisfaction regarding learning management based on Activity Based Learning was in the high level. The students’ most satisfaction was the students had chance to participate in learning or doing activities.  Next was the students had chance to study, analyze and solve problems during activities. The least satisfaction was the classroom environment for supporting students’ learning. 


Key words :   Activity Based Learning,  Conceptual thinking,  Phonetics

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