Behavior of Football AIS League’s audiences in Northeast Thailand

ภาษณา สรเพชญ์พิสัย


The purposes of this research were to investigate a study on behavior of Football AIS League’s audiences in Northeast Thailand which study in 3 variables that are personal factor, Football AIS League’s audience’s behavior in Northeast Thailand factor and marketing mix factors. Research study based on information collected from 400 questionnaires from Football AIS League’s audience in Northeast Thailand. Descriptive and Inferential statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test were used for data analysis and summary.

Research result found that the largest groups of respondents were male, aged from 31 to 40 years old. In term of level of education, they had a university degree and earned income in between 10,001 to 15,000 Baht per month. They worked as self-employed business, trade, government
and State Enterprises officer.
Considered to Marketing channels, the most effective channel to reach information of football match was television. Regarding travel companions, most of respondents travelled to watched football matches with
their friends around 1 to 2 times per month and spend 301 to 500 each match. The majority groups of respondents travelled by personal car and motorcycles.

In terms of marketing mix factors,Most of Football AIS League’s audiences in Northe ast Thailand gave precedence to physical description of football field. It was followed by prices, channel of distribution, promotion, procedure, personnel and products consecutively.



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