The Report on Corporate Governance for the Good Performance in the view of Investors: A Case Study of Companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

เสนีย์ พวงยาณี


This research aimed to study the corporate governance that could influence performance in the viewpoint of investors of companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Samples were 446 companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand chosen from 8 industries using selection criteria, and data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics using multiple linear regression to test the disclosure of data related to corporate governance in forwarding returns to the shareholders of those companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and test the hypothesis that was set out in this study at the significance level of 0.05. Findings revealed that good corporate governance report did not have such influence, and did not affect rates of return for shareholders, while in the groups of industrial products, resources and technology industries, good corporate governance report could result in good performance in the viewpoint of investors of those companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand based on forecasting models of ROE = 3.040 + 17.654 (CGCS), ROE = 14.196 + 0.049 (CGRS) and ROE = 14.196 + 0.049 (CGIT) respectively.


Good governance, Performance result in the view of investors, Companies listed on the Stock Exchange

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