The Influence of Organizational Culture and Innovation on the Competitiveness of Thai Leather Industry

สุรชาติ ชื่นโชคสันต์


The objectives of this research were to study (a) types of the organizational culture, (b) the levels of organizational culture, innovation, and competitiveness, and (c) causal structure model of competitiveness of Thai leather industry. The quantitative part of the research used questionnaires for data collection from 243 respondents, who worked in leather industries in Thailand. The collected data were analyzed by using statistical application. For the qualitative part, in-depth interview were used to collect data from leather business operators, leather specialists, and independent scholars. Research findings revealed that the culture in Thai leather industry was focused on unique organizational strategies, employee engagement, teamwork, leadership, success factors, human resource management, and organizational uniqueness. The organizational culture was found to be at high level. Results from causal structure model in accordance with the hypothesis revealed that organizational culture had positive direct effects on organizational innovation but not on the competitiveness. The only innovation had positive direct effects on competitiveness, while it was also found that organizational culture and innovation in combination could predict the level of competitiveness of Thai leather industry well.


Organizational Culture, Innovation, Competitiveness, Thai leather industry.

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