บทบาทการมีส่วนร่วมของประชาชนในการบริหารงาน ขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลเกาะพยาม อำเภอเมืองระนอง จังหวัดระนอง

อรรถพล เสือแท้, พรรณิลัย นิติโรจน์


This research has the purpose is to 1) to education level of People Participation roles in Koh Payam Subdistrict administrative Organization’s administration Ranong Province. 2) To present the development of People Participation roles in Koh Payam Subdistrict administrative Organization’s administration Ranong Province. By the questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample comprised of voters who are resident in Subdistrict Koh Payam Muang Ranong  of 248 persons. Data were analyzed using statistical computer program used to analyze the data are percentage, average, standard deviation. Hypothesis testing using statistical F-Test. The specified was statistically significant at 0.05 level.

          The results revealed that 1) The level of People Participation roles in Koh Payam Subdistrict administrative Organization’s administration Ranong Province Overall at a moderate level is 3.39 When specifically considered in the order are The development plan is 3.44,       the information perception is 3.42, the engaging action is 3.35 the monitoring and evaluation is 3.34. 2) The development of People Participation roles in Koh Payam Subdistrict administrative Organization’s administration Ranong Province. Development should focus on the following issues: 1) the evaluation, 2) participation in the implementation, 3) the information perception, 4) the development plan. 

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