สมรรถนะที่พึงประสงค์ทางการบริหารงานของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา ของโรงเรียนในเขตตำบลนาสัก อำเภอสวี จังหวัดชุมพร

พรพิมล วรโยธา, ศันสนีย์ จะสุวรรณ์


           The objectives of this study are 1) to study the desirable administration competencies of School administers in Nasak  Sawi, Chumphon province and 2) to compare the desirable administration competencies in Nasak Sawi, Chumphon classified by educations and school working experience. The samples of this study are comprised of 76 teachers and educational personnel. from schools in Nasak Sawi, Chumphon. The method used was a  questionnaire (which has a confidence interval the coefficients of Cronbach’s alpha) at .967. The content validity and construct validity of each question by calculating IOC : Index of Item objective Congruence between questions and definitions at 0.67-1. The statistic used to analyze data was frequency, means, standard deviation, hypothesis and F-test to compare  the different  data over 3 groups.

          The results of this research were as follows;

1. Desirable administration competencies of school administers in Nasak Sawi,  Chumphon  in overall average are at a very good level which was arranged from the most to the least data. The most one was to succeed in work, next the responsibility and the least was communicational skills.

2. The result of the comparison between the opinion from teachers and educational personals classified by  education and school working experience was different in desirable  administration competencies of schools in Nasak Sawi,Chumphon. There was statistically significant difference at 0.05 

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