การพัฒนาศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็ก ตามมาตรฐานกรมส่งเสริมการปกครองท้องถิ่น ในศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็กบ้านเหล่าดอกไม้ จังหวัดมหาสารคาม

อรชนก เพียรคำ, วรวิทย์ จินดาพล


          The purposes of the research were 1) to study the management of Child Development Centers Rccording to the performance Standards of Local Administrative Organizations in Laodokmai Child Center, Mahasarakham Province. 2) to study the management of the Child Development Center in 6 aspects of the Standards : 1) management of the Child Development Center ; 2) personnel ; 3) building, environment, and Safety ; 4) academic activities in the curricular ; 5) participation and support from all sectors and 6) the network promotion, early childhood development. The population included 103 Participants : teachers, parents,Board from the Child Development Centers, community leaders, and local staff in the laodokmai sub – district administration Organization. Using sampling techniques. The data was analyzed by Computer Software. The Statistics used were percentage, mean and standard deviation ; The hypothesis was tested by one – way ANOVA

The results of the study  showed that the overall performance of Child Development Center of Laodokmai Mahasarakham Province, Overall, the high level (4.23) on aspects of the order such personnel (4.43) Management of Child Development Centers (4.32) and academic activities in the curriculum. (4.24) on buildings, environment and safety (4.17), the network promotion, early childhood development (4.14), and the participation and support from all sectors (4:10)

The Development of Child Development Center according to be Performance Standards of Local Administration Organization in Laodokmai Child Development Center Mahasarakham province. , Should focus on improving the participation and support from all sectors. In the following issues: 1) to coordinate and promote the implementation of the Child Development Center, the public and various agencies acknowledged 2) should be knowledge-sharing activities. 3) community to support child development centers. The scholars convey local staff in child care centers continued 4) there is activity on the comments. Providing information on the participation of the community, 5) training programs to educate local residents and communities. On the operational guidelines of the Child Development Center, causing the cooperation and support of the community. 

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