ประสิทธิภาพการจัดการขยะมูลฝอยของสำนักสิ่งแวดล้อม กรุงเทพมหานคร: กรณีศึกษาเขตปทุมวัน

วิสุทธิ์ สุดบุญมา, ฤๅเดช เกิดวิชัย


The objectives of the study titled The Efficiency of Waste Management of the Bangkok Metropolitan Environmental Office: Case Study, Patumwan District are as follows:

  1. To study the efficiency of waste management of the BangkokMetropolitan Environmental Office: case study, Patumwan District.
  2. To find out the way to increase the efficiency of waste management of the Bangkok Metropolitan Environmental Office: case study, Patumwan District.

           A questionnaire was given to 381 civil servants and people who live in the Patumwan District. The statistical tools were percentage, mean scores, standard deviation, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient.

           The study found that:

           The total mean score of time management, quality, and cost of waste management of the Bangkok Metropolitan Environmental Office: case study, Patumwan District was moderate. In fact, time management scored better than quality and cost respectively. The mean score of each aspect was also moderate. The study also found that:

  1. Concerning cost, money saving ranked first. Second and third came time saving respectively
  2. Concerning time management, the samples agreed that the most important factor for time management was appropriate tools to collect waste.  The appropriate tools would help the employees to separate waste faster.
  3. Concerning resources, the sampled agreed that people should be encouraged to reuse waste, for example, glass, metal, plastic and paper. This was safe, clean, and helped save the environment. It also reduced that number of people hired to separate waste.

           The researcher suggested that people adjust their waste management to help the employees separate the waste into wet waste, dry waste and dangerous waste. It will make waste management system better.


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