
กามีละห์ ยะโกะ


          The objectives of this research were determine to antioxidant activity and to compare the differences of some indigenous vegetables in rainy and summer season with Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) of 10 varieties of indigenous vegetables from Suratthani province. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, quartile deviation, One Way ANOVA and t-test. This study finding demonstrated that antioxidant activity in rainy season that Senna siamea had thehighest antioxidant activity (10869.70 ± 2441.24µmol TE/100g) followed by Azadirachta indica (3796.70 ± 856.93µmolTE/100g), Leucaena leucocepphala(1413.77 ± 144.36 µmol TE/100g) and Suaeda maritima(2262.56 ±443.82 µmolTE/100g), respectively. In addition, antioxidant activity in summer season that Senna siamea(4270.40 ± 928.55 µmol TE/100g) contained the highestantioxidant activity followed by Leucaena leucocepphala(3050.73 ± 716.66 µmolTE/100g), Azadirachta indica (1705.30 ± 367.32µmolTE/100g) and Suaeda maritima(1387.33 ± 220.29 µmol TE/100g), respectively. To compare the differences of some indigenous vegetables in rainy and summer season was found that a significant level of 0.05. The study demonstrated that high antioxidant activity of indigenous vegetables which should found for substance, mechanism of action and safety for drug development process or dietary supplement.

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