การศึกษาความเป็นไปได้ในการลงทุนโรงไฟฟ้าชีวมวล ขนาด 3 เมกะวัตต์

นฤมล มูลจวง


This study to analyze the financial feasibility of Biomass Power Plant capacity 3 MW. Case study of project in two cases, the first banking loan case and the second non-loan case. the results decision payback period (PB) and IRR of the project was lowest. Investors should decision non-loan case using initial capital investment less than banking loan case because without repayment capital and interest. In decision value of NPV and BCR on the project investors should decision banking loan case because WACCis the lowest. The switching value test of cost (SVCT) in banking loan case lower risk than non-loan case. In addition to value of ROE in all case showed that banking loan case is the best. The sensitivity analysis of the project though cost factor that vary but this project is worth for the investment. The conclusion is Biomass Power Plant capacity 3 MW in all cases is worth financial value. Therefore, investors should decision investment depending on which investmentindicators.

Keywords: feasibility, Biomass Power Plant

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