
ธนดล กิตติพีรชล


This Qualitative research aims to study the Intertextuality and Cultural Identity
between the films name “Rashomon” and “The Outrage” which have the same storyline.
This research uses the narrative concept together with Intertextuality and Cultural Identity

concept as analytical tools. The research’s objectives are to study the coherence, culture
differences and social context of films “Rashomon” and “The Outrage”.
The results reveal that the coherence of films “Rashomon” and “The Outrage”
consist of original, modification and expansion. The Outrage has remains the original
storyline but has expansion in the contents and characters. The scenes and the cultures
have been customized to match with Thai contexts. The study of film’s elements and social
contexts of Japan and Thailand in those days reveal the subject matters of each film. The
film “Rashomon” focus on proposing the truth and distrust of the characters to reflect the
social conditions of Japan after war on 1950 A.D. The film “The Outrage” reflects the social
conditions of Thailand experiencing severe political turmoil on 2554 B.E. The study also
reveals that both “Rashomon” and “The Outrage” have the same point on lying to save
them from guilty for their own sakes to survive in the society even if that was not true.
Keywords Intertextuality, Narrative, Cultural

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