Relationships between Work Environment and Personal Performance in Government Agency: A Case of Royal Thai Police Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD)

Chanchai Bunchapattanasakda


This research aim to study the relationships between work environment, attitude and personal performance of the government officers, case study of the Royal Thai Police’s Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD). The methodology in this research is Descriptive statistics were employed to describe demographic profiles of the respondents and One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the relationships of variables and test hypotheses.

Research result showed that there are significant relationship between working environment factors and police officers attitude, job satisfaction also to between officers’ attitudes and personal performance. The findings showed that relationship with coworker, sympathize and care between supervisor and officer are major factors for positive attitude improvement. From the findings found that factors could be used to build indirect positive attitude improvement of working environment including working hours, quantity of work, pay rate and promotion opportunity. Concluded that care from coworker and supervisor is a major source of the officers’ personal performance improvement.


Personal performance, Royal Thai Police, Work environment

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