การบริหารจัดการเรียนร่วมโรงเรียนขยายโอกาส เครือข่ายกะเปอร์พัฒน์

ภัครมัย เดียสะ, ศันสนีย์ จะสุวรรณ์


          The purposes of this research were to; 1) Investigate the existing situation of administration of the inclusive education for opportunity expansion school in Ka Per Pat school network 2) Provide the development guideline of the inclusive education for opportunity expansion school in Ka Per Pat school network. The sample comprised 50 education personnel from five schools included school directors, deputy school directors, and teachers. The samples were chosen by accidental sampling (convenience sampling). The research was conducted during academic year of 2016. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze general data of the samples. Means and standard deviation were used to analyze data of the inclusive education administration according to SEAT framework.

          The findings reveal that

1. Most participants in administration of the inclusive education were bachelor’s degree teachers between the ages of 31-40 years old. Their government ages were between 1-5 years. They experienced the inclusive education for 1-5 years.

2. In general, administration of the inclusive education for opportunity expansion school in Ka Per Pat school network was found at high level. Considered each topic found that preparation of students and curriculum management was at high level. Community collaboration and environment setting was at moderate level.

3. The inclusive education administration guidelines for opportunity expansion school in Ka Per Pat school network were as follows;

3.1 Raising awareness of inclusive education should be provided.

3.2 Developing environment of the inclusive education in opportunity expansion school in Ka Per Pat school network should be provided

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