การพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตพนักงานสอบสวนของตำรวจนครบาล กรณีศึกษาสถานีตำรวจนครบาลลุมพินี

สุทวัฒน์ ศรีพรวรรณ์, บัณฑิต ผังนิรันตร์


           The study of the Quality of Life of Inquiry Officials of Metropolitan Police: Case Study of the Lumpini Police Station was aimed to study the quality of life of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station; the factors affecting the quality of life of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station; and the development process of the quality of life of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station.

Documents and related researches were collected by the researcher, which mainly collected from one chief of police station (superintendent), nine inquiry officials and a focus group of 7-8 persons by conducting the in-depth interviews and focus group discussions in order to obtain information and interpret rationally based on concepts and theory, and systematically summarized the results of the study. The study was reported in narrative and descriptive manners.


Results of the study

          1. The result of the study of the quality of life of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station when considered in each aspect, found that the aspects which affected on the quality of life of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station and had moderated level of attitude of life quality was the aspect of Safe working conditions and no harmful to health, the progress, advancement and security in the work. While the level of attitude of life quality of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station were rated at very least in aspect of On fair return and adequate or income and benefits, the potential development of the inquiry officials or the opportunity to develop the capacity in the work of the inquiry officials

2. The factors affecting the quality of life of the inquiry officials of the Lumpini Police Station was On fair return and adequate or income and benefits. The income and benefits of the operator were at the very least level. It was found that the income or compensation was not much when compared to the higher cost of living in the present, or when compared to other justice offices such as the prosecutor and court. They had to struggle to earn more extra income, because their revenue was not sufficient.


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