ปัญหาและอุปสรรคต่อกระบวนการในการจัดซื้อจัดจ้าง ขององค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดระนอง

เชษฐ์ธิดา ชูแก้ว, ธนสุวิทย์ ทับหิรัญรักษ์, สุคนธ์ เครือนํ้าคำ


A study of problems and obstacles to the process in the procurement of the provincial administration organization and Ranong Objective is to learn to resolve the issue and obstacles to the process of procurement and create a better understanding of the procurement process to the government official to hire and the relevant officials in the provincial administration organization and Ranong population of the study. Including the Executive Officer hiring and the relevant authorities to the procurement of the provincial administration organization and Ranong 132 people by using the query as a tool to collect the information and data collected from the related document statistics that are used in the analysis of the mark with the distribution of the frequency rate of 5 and a standard deviation.

The study found that the population in the study of the female more than Male, age is in the range between the Address Format 30-39 years of study in the bachelor degree of holding a position as a scholar salary package/Compensation between 10,001-15,000 baht and experience the 4-6 years

The problem with the knowledge and understanding of most of the packages have the knowledge and understanding of the organization of the Ministry of Interior that with the package is in a good level of the results of the analysis problems and obstacles found that the performance of your system procurement is organized the hassle several steps lack the agility does not have the flexibility cannot edit the urgent problems. There is also the regulations cannot prevent the problem of perfect to allow on the quote and order has assigned to consider who offer the lowest prices, Provincial Administration Organization. Products that have a low quality in use

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