ปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อการเลือกซื้อของที่ระลึกของแฟนคลับ:กรณีศึกษา สโมสรฟุตบอลนครปฐม ยูไนเต็ด

สาธิต สอนพา, ณัฐชา ผาสุข


          This research aims to study consumer demographic, marketing factors, attitudes, and behaviors of people in Nakhon Pathom in purchasing products of Nakhon Pathom United Football Club (NPTUTD) by comparing between those who are NPTUTD’s fans and those who are not NPTUTD’s fans. Moreover, the quantitative research technique is applied to investigate about factors influencing decisions to purchase products from NPTUTD for those who live in Nakhon Pathom. Questionnaire is used as a data collection tool and target population is those who are 15 years old or above and live in Nakhon Pathom. Two-stage cluster sampling technique is used in this research. Firstly, 7 districts are randomly selected from the total of 7 districts in Nakhon Pathom. Thereafter, quota sampling is applied to get 400 sampling units. The statistical techniques used in this research include descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis.

          The results of study show that most respondents are male with bachelor’s degree and single. NPTUTD’s fans have higher monthly income and older than those who are not NPTUTD’s fans. Moreover, NPTUTD’s fans usually run their own businesses whereas those who are not NPTUTD’s fans are government employees. For purchasing behaviors, most customers including NPTUTD’s fans and non-fans usually purchase NPTUTD C’s products, attendance tickets, and join NPTUTD activities. Fans purchase new released products, but non-fans purchase in order to support the club. Fans purchase NPTUTD’s products more frequently than non-fans. The overall attitude towards NPTUTD is in the very good level for both fans and non-fans, of them are satisfied in club performance. The attitude level towards NPTUTD’s products is also in the good level. Both fans and non-fans satisfy the NPTUTD’s products because of the image of the NPTUTD. For marketing factors, both fans and non-fans give an importance to the factors related to the club. NPTUTD’s fans have paid more attention in supporting the club whereas non-fans emphasize on the club performance. Beside club-related factors, other important factors include product factors and distribution factors respectively.

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