การประเมินด้านเศรษฐศาสตร์ในการปรับปรุงชุดกรองอากาศขาเข้าเพื่อยืดระยะเวลา ทำความสะอาดชุดอัดอากาศเครื่องกังหันก๊าซ

อำนวย มณีทะ


The objective of this research is to analyze impact of fouling on gas turbine’s compressor which is significant loss of efficiency in gas turbine. As the loss from fouling, compressor’s efficiency can be recovered by off line compressor washing and should be considered optimization of washing schedule for minimizing cost. The air intake filtration is upgraded for reduce compressor degradation and extend washing period. This research studies data of gas turbine in combine cycle power plant. The independent variables are collected for analyzing of compressor and thermal efficiency before and after upgrading for 1 year. The results shown that before upgrading, compressor degradation is 0.78%/1,000 hours with optimization of washing schedule 6 times/year. After upgrading, compressor degradation is 0.25%/1,000 hours with optimization of washing schedule 3 times/year. The economic results revealed that air intake filtration upgrading can reduce the cost of 12.8 million THB/year payback period is 0.88 year.

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