การพัฒนาศักยภาพเศรษฐกิจชุมชนจังหวัดมหาสารคามตาม ปรัชญาเศรษฐกิจพอเพียง เพื่อรองรับการก้าวสู่ประชาคมเศรษฐกิจอาเซียน

ดร.ธนัณชัย สิงห์มาตร์


         In this dissertation, The Competency Development of the Community’s Economy in Maha Sarakham Province under Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for ASEAN Economic Community, aim to study the patterns conditions and needs of The Competency Development of the Community’s Economy in Maha Sarakham  Province under Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for ASEAN Economic Community and to determine guidelines on the Competency Development of the Community’s Economy in Maha Sarakham  Province under Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, solve the problem and increase the community enterprises competencies with a various style of product, a wide range of good quality and skills of process management and using the quantitative research methodology. The samples of this research are with the community enterprise in Maha Sarakham in 13 Districts amount 320 persons. The instrument which used in this study is a questionnaire Likert 5 scale rating. By the questions in the questionnaire are items which selected from the related variables and the validity of the causal model of all variables used structural equation.

          The results showed that the validity of the causal model of the Competency Development of the Community’s Economy in Maha Sarakham Province under Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for ASEAN Economic Community is consistent with the empirical data, the threshold is good. When considering the relationship and the influence of variables on the Competency Development of the Community’s Economy to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is Standard influence coefficient of 0.96, which is a variant of the Competency Development of the Community’s Economy can be explained as follows, the variables with the highest influence is Human Resource Development. (Standard influence coefficient was 0.70), followed by production. (Standard influence coefficient 0.85) and the factor of marketing. (Standard influence coefficient 0.79), respectively. The relationship and the influence of variables on Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to ASEAN Economic Community is Standard influence coefficient of 0.62, which is a variant of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy can be explained as follows, the variables with the highest influence is Quality. (Standard influence coefficient was 0.91), followed by Learning Organization. (Standard influence coefficient 0.87) and the factor of connection network. (Standard influence coefficient 0.86), respectively. Thus, the Competency Development of the Community’s Economy in Maha Sarakham Province under Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for ASEAN Economic Community should pay attention to Human Resource Development, production, marketing Quality Learning Organization  and connection network  to be able to develop the competitiveness of community enterprises in Maha Sarakham follow by  model-based CCA Framework.


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