แนวทางการพัฒนาการบริหารแบบมีส่วนร่วมในการบริหารงานกิจการนักเรียน ของโรงเรียนในสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษา เขต 2

อนุสรณ์ รักษาควร


     The objectives of the study were to 1) investigate the participative administration in student affairs management at school of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 2, 2) compare the participative administration in student affairs management at school of the Secondary Education Service
Area Office 2, and 3) suggest the participative administration in student affairs management at school of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 2. The sample were 470 persons came from 23 large schools and 24 extra large schools selecting from 10 persons/school. The questionnaire was the instrument of the data collection which consisted of 5 alternatives rating scale. The mean, standard deviation and t-Test were used as the statistical analysis.
The result of the study found that ;
        1. The participative administration in student affairs management at school of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 2 as much level such as the government and discipline, the student affairs and the welfare and service, respectively.
        2. There was no statistical difference concerning the participative administration in student affairs management at school of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 2 between the large schools and the extra large schools.
         3. The guideline of development of participative administration in student affair management at school of the Secondary Education Service Area Office 2 found that the large school and the extra large school has much participative administration in student affairs management concerning the concrete action such as every personal participative administration of faculty, class in order to increasing the efficient operation.


Participative Administration ; Student Affairs Management

Full Text:



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