
แสงเดือน วงศ์ชวลิต


          This research aims to develop indicators for excellence the College of Dramatic Arts, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute. Study and analyzes the context of Chiang Mai College of Dramatic Arts (CDACM). And Strategic Development CDACM to excellence. Using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Research conducted in three phases: the first phase is develop indicators to excellence of the College of Dramatic Arts. Research by document Depth interviews Group Delphi. Phase 2, Study and analyze the context of management education CDACM, by archival research and in-depth interviews. Phase 3, Development Strategy CDACM to excellence .The SWOT analysis of the draft Strategy. Stakeholder Meeting experts check strategy and development CDACM to excellence. The target population represented by each of the four groups, including the Chiang Mai, Chanthaburi, Lop Buri, Kalasin and Phatthalung statistical methods used to analyze quantitative data, including the inter-quartile range. And the median And qualitative analysis
used to analyze content.

        The research found that Indicators of excellence the College of Dramatic Arts in Context There are 64 indicators, Input 88, Process 142, Output 57, And Outcome are 65 indicators. Development strategy for the excellence Chiang Mai College of Dramatic Arts, (7 DA's Strategies) consists of one strategic leadership development, academic and professional dance. Dramatic Arts Leadership System : DALS, Dramatic Arts to Production Teachers and
Artists : DATA, Dramatic Arts learning organization: DALO, Dramatic Arts Academic Service s: DAAS, Dramatic Arts Research Culture: DARC, Dramatic Arts Wisdom Centre: DAWC, Dramatic Arts to Excellence: DAE.


Strategy to Excellence, Indicators of excellence ; Development to Excellence

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