การพัฒนาทักษะการปฏิบัติทางการเรียนวิชาสุขศึกษาของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 1 โดยใช้กระบวนการสอนแบบ 5 E's

สุจิพร น้าวศรชัย


         This study has the objective of this research is to 1) develop a Skill Training Package Health Education subject. First aid and transported the patient safely for The first year of secondary school students Samkouk school under Provincial Administrative Organization Pathum Thani efficiency of 80/80. and 2) skill Training Package Development, Health Education of students about first aid and moving patients safely. The students have higher achievement than the previous. The samples the first year of secondary school students Samkouk school under Provincial Administrative Organization Pathum Thani second semester of academic year 2558 amounted to 32 people. The instrument used in the research are: 1) Plan a group learning about health and physical education. First aid and moving patients safely using Learning Cycle (5ES) for the first year of secondary school students 2) Assessment Skill Training Package with 12 points and 3) test achievement is a multiple choice of four options. Select 15 items. The statistics used in the analysis were mean, standard deviation, percent, and the t-test.

The results showed that
        1. Skill Training Package Health Education subject. First aid and moving patients safely. For students at 1 Samkouk school under Provincial Administrative Organization Pathum Thani developed effective 88.35 / 86.86 higher than 80/80.
        2. Skill Training Package Health Education of students about first aid and moving patients safely. Student achievement average score of 13.71 out of 15 points. 83.54 percent higher than the previous.


Skill Training Package; Health Education; Learning Cycle (5ES)

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