ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการบริหารโรงเรียนมาตรฐานสากลกับ การบริหารจัดการโรงเรียนคุณภาพ สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษาเขต 2

จิราภรณ์ พันธุ์เพชรายุธ, ผศ.ดร.ศันสนีย์ จะสุวรรณ์


The purpose of this research were to study 1) the level of action taken by the world – class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2. 2) the level of action that complied to the administrative system of world – class standard schools under the Secondary Educational
Service Area Office 2. 3) the administration model that will lead the organization to excellence and success as a world – class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2.
The sample population consisted of 432 school administrators and teachers from 36 schools participating in world – class standard schools program. The instrument used in research was a likert 5 point scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard
deviation Pearson correlation. The findings was that the level of action taken by the world – class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 was the highest in overall. The classroom conducting under world – class standard basis had the highest average score. The findings found that the highest score was from the convenience students receive when contact with school. The second average score came from the administration applying Quality System Management. The least average score was from the field of learners as a world citizen.

The analysis of the level of administration applying Quality System Management of the world – class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 found that it was a high level. The field that had highest average score was the emphasis of personnel, the leading of organization
respectively. The field that had least The analysis of the relation between the world – class standard schools and the quality school administration in order to be a good world – class standard schools under the Secondary Educational
Service Area Office 2 found that the world – class standard schools and the quality school administration had a positive significant relation at 0.01 level. The school quality administration and the leading of organization had the highest Coefficient of Correlation score at 0.766 and the classroom teaching and the
leading organization had the Coefficient of Correlation score at 0.743, respectively. The school quality administration and the results had the least Coefficient of Correlation score at 0.361.


โรงเรียนมาตรฐานสากล; การบริหารจัดการโรงเรียนคุณภาพ

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