ภาวะผู้นำการเปลยี นแปลง การจัดการความรู้ และความรับผิดชอบต่อสังคมทสี ่งผลต่อความสำเร็จของ วิสาหกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมของอุตสาหกรรมแปรรูปมันสำปะหลัง ในเขตภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ

ธัญญชนก เจริญปรุ


This research has the objectives : 1) To study the level of success factors of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeast Region; 2) To study the level of success of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeast Region and 3) To study the factors affecting success of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeast Region. In this research, the researcher used mixed method research between quantitative research and qualitative research. The quantitative research collected information from operational employees of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeast Region about 87 units/400 samples, while the qualitative research drilling depth interview to the corporate executives and supervisory employees of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeast Region about 20 person.

The results of the study research were as follows : 1. Level of success factors of
entrepreneurs of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeast Region, consists of three aspects of factors, including leaders of change, knowledge management and responsibility to the society, mostly the average values are in moderate and  high level. Amount of the holding factors are in high level, including to charisma, Individualized consideration, transition behavior, communication, knowledge management process, training, measurement, recognize, anti-corruption and good governance. Amount of the holding factors are in moderate level, including Intellectual stimulation, division of responsibility to the society, human rights, labor standards, environment and customer. 2. Level of success of entrepreneurs of medium and small enterprises of tapioca process industry in Northeastern Region, regarding success factors in operation of industrial entrepreneurs in 4 dimensions/views, including financial aspect, customer aspect, internal process and learning & growth process. Amount of the success factors are in high level, including customer aspect, internal process and learning & growth process, but financial aspect is in moderate level. 3. Factors affecting success of medium and small entrepreneurs of tapioca process industry in Northeastern Region; the assumption test result is found that 3.1 Result of analysis of knowledge management and responsibility to the society factors had result on positive direction with high and moderate level that affecting success of medium and small entrepreneurs of tapioca process industry having statistical significance at levels of 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001, percentage as 9.13% and 8.15%. Leaders of change factors had result on negative direction with low level and having statistical significance at levels of 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001, percentage as 6.98% 3.2 Result of analysis of knowledge management, including transition behavior, communication, knowledge management process factors had result on positive direction with highest and moderate level. Responsibility to the society of environment, anti-corruption, good governance factors had result on positive direction with moderate and high level. Leaders of change that including to charisma, Individualized consideration, Intellectual stimulation factors had result on negative direction with low level. 3.3 Every aspect of factors had result on success factors in operation of industrial entrepreneurs in 4 dimensions/views, including to leaders of change and knowledge management factors affected in financial views of entrepreneurs on moderate and high level. Knowledge management and responsibility to the society factors affected in customer views of entrepreneurs on high and highest level. Leaders of change and knowledge management factors affected in internal process of entrepreneurs on high level. Knowledge management and responsibility to the society factors affected in learning & growth process on high and low level. Every aspect of factors are having statistical significance at levels 0.001,


Leadership ; knowledge management ; responsibility to the society

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