Motivation and Satisfaction of Asian and European MBA Students at Siam University

Ashin Gandasara


The analysis of student’s motivation and satisfaction for their university experience is important within the educational evaluation. The aim of the study was to examine difference motivation and satisfaction factors between Asian and European students to study Master of Business Administration
(MBA) at Siam University in Thailand, explore the reasons what are the different motivation and satisfaction factors of two groups of Asian and European MBA students at Siam University. Framework had been collected form secondary data. The study had explained the main factors that lead students to
motivate and satisfy during the study MBA at SIAM University. The study adopted the method and used a survey research design for data gathering. Data were collected by self-administered survey questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale and comments with sixty-five MBA students who study Semester 3/2014 (April 16, 2015 to August 5, 2015) at Siam University in Thailand. Results show that the students study MBA because they have been motivated inside by their real need of becoming more valuable person and they are also pushed by labor market considered as an external factor. While the reason how is the different
Motivation and Satisfaction at Siam University.
After analyzing the GPA data of the 18 female and 46 male students the results are, that there is no statistically significant relation between the GPA and the gender. The mean rank of the 18 female students is 29 and 33, 87 of the male students. western students has the interested in the thai culture and
asian students the loyality to the roots and family reasons as main motivations for studying in thailand.
The study reported that 25% of responds are from European and 64% of respondent are from Asia and the rests are from Africa’s questionnaire, the coeffricient alpha reliability value for Motivation and Satisfaction was computed to be .80, which is regarded as reliable.
Furthermore students from asian nations tend to stay in asia to be near to the family, friends and the culture. western students also skip classes significantly more frequent than asian students. As their best motivation and satisfaction comes from external factors such as better education than their countries
(Asian), image of the university/course (Product) and personnel (People) the most, Promotion, educational management process, education fees (Price), good location for European and anyothers citizens. After the students have been studying in the university, they are satisfied enough with the physical characteristics such as university’s MBA office, education system, and services but they still require more psychological characteristics as they wish the university could provide such as student’s support, and job opportunity.


Asian and European MBA Students at Siam University; Motivation; Satisfaction; Student Characteristics

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