ความสามารถในการออกแบบโครงงานวิชาการติดตังไฟฟ้าในอาคารของนักเรียน ระดับประกาศวิชาชีพ ชันปีที่ 1 โดยวิธีการเรียนรู้แบบร่วมมือนียบัตร

อำพรรณ ทิมจำลอง


          This research aims to 1) measures the capability of designing of certificates in level 1 by the collaborative way to learn. 2) to measure the satisfaction of students learning collaborative activities include the population of Students in Electrical Power the in level 1, there are the total 30 people Laemthong technology college in the second semester ,academic year 2015. Tools used in research consist of academic study plan. 1)Plan of Electrical installation by collaborative learning 2. The quiz is multiple choice . 3.evaluation of satisfaction as a 5-level scale that is used in the research include statistics average and standard deviation.

The results were as follows:
        1. Scores after learning activities, academic cooperation in building electrical installation appear that Students have average scores qualify students to 87 per cent.
        2. study of certificates in level 1 using the method of learning collaborate,It is found that the student has satisfied all are in high level


How to collaborative learning; The ability to design projects; Electrical in stallations in buildings

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