นาฏยลักษณ์ฟ้อนล้านนาในศิลปะการแสดงของ บริษัท กฤษฏิ์ทีม ออร์แกไนเซอร์ แอนด์ เพอร์ฟอร์มแมนซ์

ดิฐดา นุชบุษบา


The purpose of this thesis is to study the dance characteristics of Lanna Dance, a type of dance in northern Thailand, in performing art and mechanism of performing art design by Kritteam Organizer And Performance Company during the years 2007-2012. The methods of study included documents survey, interviews with staff, customers, specialist of performing art and observation with and without participation.

The results of the study indicated that the characteristics of Lanna Dance in performance setting by Kritteam Organizer And Performance Company started from Lanna Dance skills of Krit Chaisilbun, the founder of the company. The original Lanna Dance rhythmic movement has been adapted to create a
Lanna Dance drama “Promajak” in which a new choreography has been developed. It’s unique characteristic can be seen by raising the hands up high making sway and graceful movements in a wide circle above the head. At the same time, the dancer trusts his hip to make an S shape-like position. The
developed characteristics became a new group of rhythmic movements seen in various performances. As for the costume, the traditional Lanna material has been used to create a suitable outfit. The hair style is a high bun decorated with flowers, hairpin or any other available ornaments. The supportive equipments are often Lanna crafts. The music is the combination of adapted Lanna folk and modern music.

The system of performance setting starts from a meeting with the customer to find out the relevant policy and what needs to be done. The task is then divided into 5 parts: the choreography, music, costume, props, lighting and mixed media. Each part will work out under the conditions such as the customer’s needs, budget and personnel bearing in mind the quality and identity of Lanna Dance is to be maintained. The performance set up has been consistently developed to meet with customer’s demand and for a successful show, customer’s satisfaction, goodwill, public relations and profit.


The Dance Characteristics of Lanna Dance; Kritteam Organizer And Performance Company

Full Text:



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Laban Movment Analysis [ออนไลน์]แหล่งทีมา:

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มีนาคม 2557]


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