แรงจูงใจในการทำงานและความผูกพันต่อองค์กร ของสถาบันประสาทวิทยา

จีรนันท์ ทองจันทร์


The research aims to study the incentive to work and commitment to the organization of the Institute of Neurology. The sample used in this study is that the personnel Neurological Institute 286 person by questionnaire was used to collect data. The statistics used to analye the data were frequency, percentage, average ad standard deviation. T test One-way analysis of variance and the statistical correlation Pearson. The results showed that personnel Neurological Institute. Most are women aged 31 years and above, the level of education, single, official, more than six years of age and average income per month 15,001 - 20,000 baht overall motivation and motivation aspects. In most part of the motivation and the motivation of power relation at a high level. The Engagement to personnel Neurological Institute as a whole and in terms of their confidence so strongly to accept the goal and values of the organization, its willingness to devote considerable effort the benefit the organization and its passion. Fervently to preserve the members of the organization at a high level. For hypothesis testing found that people with gender, age and status differences with ties to the organization as a whole and individually. Including its desire to maintain the membership of the organization, its willingness to devote considerable effort to benefit the organization and its strong confidence to accept the goals and values of the organization not different.

Personnel with different levels of education. The engagement profile in terms of their confidence so strongly to accept the goals and values of the organization, its willingness to devote considerable effort to benefit the organization and its desire to maintain. The members of the organization the difference was statistically significant at the 0.01 level. People with different jobs. The engagement aspect, the sentiment strongly to accept the goals and values of the organization, its willingness to devote considerable effort to benefit the organization and its desire to maintain. The members of the organization
at different levels of statistical significance at 0.01. Personnel between different working times. The engagement profile in terms of their confidence so strongly to accept the goals and value of the organization, its willingness to devote considerable effort to benefit the organization and its desire to maintain. The members of the organization at different levels of statistical significance at 0.01. Personnel the average income per month varies with ties to the enterprise areas. Confidence strongly to accept the goals and values of the organization, its willingness to devote considerable effort to benefit the organization
and its desire to maintain the membership of the organization is different. At the level of statistical significance at 0.01


Work Motivation; Organization Commitment

Full Text:



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