His Majesty King Bhumiphol’s Philosophy of Good Governance

Kirti Bunchua


The objectives of this research aimed to investigate how the Character of philosophy of selfsufficiency could be understood. The study found out that it could be understood in all dimensions of philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology and ethical philosophy. The findings showed that the metaphysical dimension found out that the theory of self-sufficiency aims are consistent with the
metaphysical concept of spirit and body, which can clarify the concept of quality of life that is the sufficiency of living well without suffering for the survival in all situations of each individual and so developing to be a perfect man according to the postmodern ideal. The epistemological finding is that the theory of self-sufficiency aims at corresponding to the truth criterium of searching and progressively developing according to each situation, continuously without attachment complying with the key principle of the Post-modernism too. In the line of applied philosophy, the self-sufficiency is the ethical philosophy
in the concept of living to control and verify the good conduct of altruism and sharing as the key principles for the living with each other in happiness. That is the major purpose of the Post-modernism. The application of the self-sufficiency can be applied in the family, community and state levels with the key concept of the development of quality of life. In summary, the understanding of the self-sufficiency could go side by side with the philosophy of sufficiency economy with full character of post-modernity.


Postmodern; Theory of Self- sufficiency; King Bhumiphol

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