ปัจจัยทางการตลาดทมี ีอิทธิพลต่อการเลือกซื อนิตยสารผู้หญิงในกรุงเทพมหานคร

ศิริรัตน์ รุ่งเรืองยศ


      The Objectives of this research were to study factors that influence the choice to buy women's magazines in Bangkok. Individual consumer magazine Woman by demographic characteristics are related to buying behavior Magazine. In Bangkok And factor in the marketing mix of different influences buying
behavior Magazine. The differences in Bangkok The questionnaire was used to collect data. By using convenience sampling. The questionnaire collected from consumers who buy women's magazines, 385 samples were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation. Statistical
inference statistics using the Chi-square, F- test and LSD at the 0.05 significance level. This research used statistical software to analyze research data which found that 1) personal factors of consumer magazines,
women BY demographic of age, status, education level and occupation, and the average income per month are related to buying behavior magazine women. Bangkok The frequency of buying women's magazines. The reason to buy women's magazines. And influential person in the store, and 2) The factors
in the marketing mix of different influences buying behavior women's magazines in Bangkok. The frequency of buying women's magazines. And the reason for buying a different magazine. 

Marketing Factors Influence, Buying Decions


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