การรำโนราแทงเข้ในพิธีไหว้ครูโนราของวัดท่าแค จังหวัดพัทลุง

ธราทิพย์ กันตะวงษ์


This research aims to study a dance element to the succession. And the preservation of stab Vera Nora Nora ceremony in Victory Lane teacher Wat Khae Lai Tha Muang Phatthalung. The document study Interviews and observations forecasts

The results showed that the stabbing Vera Nora. Dance and show off the talent of the performers. Local cultural heritage of the South, which is a ritual descent actress Nora in the south by the Wat Khae Lai Tha Muang Phatthalung. The show consists of Costumes, musical instruments, lyrics, dress chance to show the display device. It is also the center of the ceremony. A change that followed the global trend of a particular technology. Made popular in the art of stabbing Vera Nora fewer young people have turned to focus on modern entertainment beyond the confines cause deviations from the culture of Thailand.

Phatthalung Provincial Cultural Office, in conjunction with the Council of Culture.
Administrative and Capital District Cooperative Program heritage resident Nora Nora or more teachers. In order to inherit and Culture Because people believe that caching is the home port of origin or residence of Sonora and a static dance teacher. Teachers or teacher Nora ceremony, a ritual that represents gratitude to teachers, doctors and fathers are Nora and Nora Gill ceremony in the event of a vow in health. Career Or other matters A forum for people in southern communities have shared cultural heritage. Local tradition and create their own stories. To promote the local arts and south. And to encourage children And young people a platform to express and use their spare time to good use.

Currently, Nora stab temple erected just still have to show up every year. Tha catalog is maintaining and conserving display format. It also inherits Vera Nora stabbed Wat Khae the future.

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