การบริหารงานตามหลักธรรมาภิบาลของการไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาคจังหวัดอุดรธานี อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดอุดรธานี

ทวี สราญรมย์


The research is aimed (1)Study the opinion of electricity employees according to administration as good governance principles of The PEA Muang District Udon Thani Province. (2) To compare the opinions of Electricity Employees towards administration as good governance principles of The PEA Muang District Udon Thani Province. Sample: Electricity Employees number of 140 people, tools used to collect data, including the tools used to collect data open-ended questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistical packages. The statistics used are: value frequency percent average, standard deviation, and t-test statistics for the reference and One way ANOVA and require-the significance level is .05 statistics. The results found that :
(1) The opinion of electricity employees towards administration as good governance principles of The PEA Muang District Udon Thani Province , Overall at high level. Considering each side in order from most to least. Found, The rule of law, PEA province administered by law enforcement to ensure compliance with the provisions of law and governance, encourage employees to behave
lawfully Agency regulations strictly, The responsibility is administered by a sense of responsibility towards the people and subordinate., The principle involved communicating with clients and stakeholders to build relationships and improve the way to build a relationship in line with the strategic plan management., The transparency administered by transparency, accountability., The moral principle encourage employees to perform their duties with diligence, honesty., The main value the administration is focused on public service quality by reducing the length of service is shorter.

(2) Comments about the administration according to good governance principles of The PEA Muang District Udon Thani Province by personal factors. Found : By sex and position, were not different the level of statistical significance .05, When compare the age, education, duration of service for the PEA, found different the level of statistical significance .05.

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