
ทรงธรรม กะติโร


The purpose of this study were to study acceptance of online banking service of electronics banking function for Bank of China (Thai) Public Company Limited by collection and related data concept theory and document. Researcher started 400 sampling of customer that used E-banking, such sample size from 8,170 customers use finite population by Yamane (1970) calculate result is 381.33+10% for loss and fail of questionaire. Use questionnaire as a tool for collecting data in description and quantitative analysis by frequency percentage mean standard deviation statistical hypothesis F-test correlation coefficient significant level 0.05 The research result found that mostly gender of sampling is female, Bachelor graduate, age between 25-35, employed by company. Service behavior sampling most using online banking service at least 1-2 times a week. Place sampling most using online banking service at home. Knowledge with useful and function with domestic transfer. Customer ‘s adoption of online banking service have 5 process in awareness process customer know this service. In interest process customer have interest with E-banking
function online banking service. Evaluation service customer understand with online banking service.Trial process customer can sure to use online baking service .Adoption process or operation process customer will to use if appropriately for function such as this 5 process have correlation in the medium
with demography.

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