ภาพลักษณ์ของธนาคารออมสิน สาขารอยัลพาร์ค อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดราชบุรี

ณฐิฌา สนิทรักษา


The purposes of this research were to study the demographic aspects affecting to the image of Government Savings Bank, Royal Park branch, Muang district, Ratchaburi province and to study the
relationships between the marketing mix factor and the image of Government Savings Bank, Royal Park branch, Muang district, Ratchaburi province. The population on this research was customers having the
transactions at Government Savings Bank, Royal Park branch, Muang district, Ratchaburi province. The sample group was 400 customers doing the transactions at Government Savings Bank, Royal Park branch,
Muang district, Ratchaburi province by using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. Statistics used for analyzing data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, the analysis of T-test, one-way ANOVA,
the analysis of the difference of each pair, the analysis of Pearson simply relationships by using SPSS for Windows Version 11.5.

The results were found that most sample group was more male than female; their age was 26-30 years old and beyond 31 years old; their educational level was the bachelor degree; their marriage status was single; their minimum income was 15,000 baht; their career was the private business. The
opinions on 7 marketing mix factors were found that the products, the service, and the people were the highest opinions; the price, the place and service, the process, and the physical evidence were the high opinions. 4 sides of the opinions on the image of Government Savings Bank were found that the
perceptual component, the cognitive component, the affective component, and the active component were the high opinions. Besides, it was found that customers who had the different genre and the marriage
status had the different image of Government Savings Bank; customers who had the different age, educational level, the salary, and the career had the different image of Government Savings Bank. The marketing mix factor, the product and service, the price, the promotion, the process, the people, the physical evidence related to the image of Government Savings Bank in terms of the perceptual component the cognitive component. The marketing mix factor, the product and service, the price, the place and service, and the physical evidence did not related to the image of Government Savings Bank in terms of the affective component and active component.

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