ลักษณะบุคคลและความสัมพันธ์ กระบวนการการทำงาน และจิตวิทยาในการทำงาน ที่ส่งผลต่อประสิทธิผล ในการทำงานของพนักงานบริษัทเอกชน ในเขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร

ชำเลือง สุขประวิทย์


The objectives of this study were to study 1) the influence of individual characteristics and relationship affecting work effectiveness of private company employees 2) the influence of working process affecting work effectiveness of private company employees and 3) the influence of psychological
at work affecting work effectiveness of private company employees. The instrument was a close-ended

questionnaire that refers to individual characteristics and relationship, working process and psychological in work. The statistical analysis was percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Moreover, Simple Regression Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used for data analysis. This study found that
the influence of the factor of individual characteristics and relationship had affected about 49.8 % on work effectiveness of private company employees in Pathumwan District, Bangkok Metropolitan Area in all aspects. The influence of factor of working process had affected about 59.2 % on work effectiveness of private company employees in Pathumwan District, Bangkok Metropolitan Area as well as the factor of psychological at work had affected about 57.5 % on work effectiveness of private company employees in
Pathumwan District, Bangkok Metropolitan Area with the statistical significance of 0.05.

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