กระบวนท่ารำและวิธีการแสดง ชุด ขุนแผนฟันม่าน ของ ครูอุดม กุลเมธพนธ์ (อังศุธร)

ธัญพิสิษฐ์ พันธ์ทองดี


The purpose of this research was to study the work history, the performance elements, the dancing process and the show procedure of Kru Udom Kulametpon(Angsuthorn)’s Khun Paan Fun Maan by documentary evidences, interviews and observes including Kru Udom Kulametpon(Angsuthorn)’s dancing transformation.

The findings were as follows: Kru Udom Kulametpon(Angsuthorn) began his study in Thai Dancing School in the role of the male protagonist and acted as the first Pra Luck, in Khon Ramayana at Silpakorn Theater in the year 2500. Kru Udom Kulametpon(Angsuthorn) was transferred the dancing process and Khun Paan’s role in Khun Paan Fun Maan from Kru Lamul Yamakub and Kru Chaleuy
Sukhawanich. The first performance was taken place at Bansomdejchaopraya Teacher’s College in the year 2523. The elements were the male protagonists in the Baab Yeun Kreung Baow Dress with the significant sword by Pee Paad Thai musical instruments. The major of the performance was interpreted through the writing, from the head to feet moving regarding Kan Kodkeaw, Klomnaah, Eang Sisa, Jeeb, Muan Meujeeb, Klai Meujeeb, Klay Meu, Klom Laai, Mun Toi, Kradood, Yon Toi, Yoh Toi, Kot Kleaw Khang, Thon Taow, Tad Toaw, and Se-pa dancing interpretation. As the performance aspect was counted on Lakorn Punthang, the familiar Thai Se-pa until now.



Thai Classical Composition ; Thai Classical Dancing ; Thai Classical Performance ; Khun Phaen Fun Maan By Kru Udom Kulmethponth

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