
สังเวียน เทพผา


Research Legal measures to protect witnesses who provide information in corruption cases. The purpose is to study the causes and patterns of fraud. Including barriers to prosecute corruption in the role and legal authority of state agencies involved in the operation in corruption cases. Measures to protect informants abroad. To consider and adopt measures to protect the information of Thailand. The differences between the testimony of the informant and witness protection measures and measures to protect the information and seeking ways to put measures to protect the information to the state in corruption cases. As well as the recommendations made in the law to bring this suggestion to consider the implementation of legal measures in place to protect the information to the next state in corruption cases. This information plays a key role in keeping the public interest because of the fact that their disclosure was found to appear in public. As a starting point to maintain the public interest to continue this. The data reveal the culprit wrongful information providers and thus a target object interaction from the information that is provided by the informant may be interactive from acts that cause damage to physical life,
liberty and property, etc. Thus, the Government. There is a great need to establish measures to protect those who provide information to the public to foster an extensive information without fear of potential harm from the
disclosure of information of public interest, the findings are. Suggestions for legal measures to protect the data after the lawsuit because the data may not be safe should be taking care of all the safety information in other assets and Uruguay. There should be a release to the public about measures to protect the data so confident, as well as the criteria for compensation for damages caused to provide information to the state to achieve clarity in the legal system, Thailand and encourage the disclosure. About actions Unlawful The inappropriate actions of public officials. Actions that threaten the health and safety of the public. Including acts that harm the environment in Thailand.


Legal measures; protection of witnesses; informants.

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