บทบาทสตรีในการพัฒนาตลาดนํา 100 ปีชุมชนระแหง

ศรีปริญญา ธูปกระจ่าง


Objective;(1)To study on the management of 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community among the change of time and environment(2) The role of women in sustainable development and build the associate among organization in the area. The process on the research (PAR) are:
1)The management of 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community located by the Rahang canal in Ladlumkaew district which far from Pratumthani Provincearound 13 kilometers. This market was flood in 1883. Most of people in this area emigrated from China (Chaozhao Chinese) and efficacy on trade. People in the nearest community are Thailand Mon descentand doing an agriculture, farm and garden plants. A lifestyle that is in harmony in tourist attraction.
2)The role of women in sustainable development in that area to participate in the development of 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community . It can best arted by family, to conduct the housework, take care of children and members of family and bring the peaceful to the community. For the participation on the development of 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community , the role of women in sustainable can be started by participate in activities (plan and follow up) and also collaborate to the maintenance and protect the 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community from outside effect which could bring any changes to the market. Hold to the principle of middle path.
3) Build member among organizations and people in the area in order to develop the 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community . By giving an opportunity to other organizations to develop the market and also searching for further networks to the development and immediately contain it in the community plan; (1) choose the leader and establish the committee to develop the 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community and support women organization to participate in such development. (2) Dredging the Rahang canal and develop for the tourism. (3) Solve the traffic problem and create the
view point for tourism and build the public toilet (4) Elderly pass on knowledge about how to make Thai dessert. and (5) Proceed with the 100 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community’s tourism calendar.


Women role and 100 years Rahang-Floating-Market community

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