แนวทางการจัดการวิกฤตอุทกภัยในพื้นที่องค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลลำเลียง อำเภอกระบุรี จังหวัด ระนอง

ณรงค์ ดำกุล


The purposes of this study were to : 1) Study the level flood crisis mananagement in the Tambon Administration Organization Lumliang sub -district, Kraburi district Ranong province. 2) To compare the flood crisis mananagement in the Tambon Administration Organization Lumliang sub-district, Kraburi district Ranong province. by role in flood crisis management and 3) The proposed approach to flood crisis management in the Tambon Administration Organization Lumliang sub-district, Kraburi district Ranong
province. This was the quantitative research using questionnaire. The samples used were 5 administrators, 15 officers selected by purposive sampling technique and 8,948 people in Lumliang sub- district with 368 of samples using (Krejcie Morgan, 1970: 608-609) Stratified Random Sampling. The sample size was selected by simple random sampling. The instrument was questionnaire. Data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and Using the test ANOVA (One-Way ANOVA).

The research results were as follows : 1) Levels flood crisis mananagement in the Tambon Administration Organization Lumliang sub-district, Kraburi district Ranong province. in overall and in each aspect were in medium rate the average score from descending include personnel averaged the highest, followed the structure, location, budget, material equipment and tools respectively. 2) the role of managing the flood as well. Affect the flood crisis areas in the Tambon Administration Organization Lumliang sub-district not different. 3) Recommendations for managing flood crisis areas in the Tambon Administration Organization Lumliang sub-district. Key issues as follows. The first, a flood management plan, prevention and decreasing effects , the preparation, Emergency Management / Flood, and after management disaster. The second, the leadership in the crisis, decided to resolve the situation. The third, building partnerships with various sectors. To resolve the problem together. The fourth, preparation temporary shelter to the standards and systems.



management; crisis; Flood

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