ปัจจัยการมีส่วนร่วมในการพัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย์สู่การพัฒนาวัดคีรีภาวนาราม อำเภอบ้านฉาง จังหวัดระยอง ให้เป็นสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวเชิงวัฒนธรรม

ชุลีวรรณ โชติวงษ์


The objective of the study was to study the cooperativeness factors of human resource management to develop Wat Keereepavanaram, Banchang, Rayong to be heritage tourism attraction. The population for the study would be related stakeholders such as the abbot of Wat Keereepavanaram, committee of the Wat, community leaders around the Wat, representatives of the communities around the Wat, and other related sections of the communities around the Wat. For the study, the integrated qualitative and quantitative studies would be applied. The applied qualitative statistical tool for data analysis would be deep interview and the quantitative one would be proper questionnaire. The content
analysis would be applied on the qualitative one. For the quantitative one, the basic statistical data analysis would be applied on the defined studied groups to understand the distribution manners of such the groups by using descriptive statistic tools such as frequency and percentage. Moreover, it was to understand the distribution of variables of the groups before being applied on the data analysis of the t-test, correlation and regression. Such the tools would be that of average, standard deviation and regression analysis for applying on the execution of the relationship of 2 independent variables by using SPSS application. The result of the study could show that the variables having the first order of efficiency could be the factor of the leader style and could show the value of the t-test at 3.554. That of the second one could be the factor
of knowledge with the t-test value of 2.915. That of the third one could be the factor of the system with the t-test value of 2.179 at the statistical significant level of .05, respectively, for such studied cooperativeness factors.


Cooperativeness, Human Resource Management; Heritage Tourism Attraction

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