หนังตะลุง “สายใน” : ศิลปะการแสดงท้องถิ่นเพชรบุรี

จิตสุภวัฒน์ สำราญรัตน


This article aims to study the development of unique identities and components in the Sai Nai style shadow play in Phetchaburi province. This study used documents, interviews, observation. The results showed that Sai Nai style shadow play in Phetchaburi have improved from local performing arts in the south of Thailand. Until Mr. Aiem and Mr. Nokkaew brings the shadow coming from the south, showing the Phetchaburi province. It has been shown to alter the taste of the local people of the province. They have expertise and can be displayed. In the form of access in many states is a modification and development represents a unique mix of the Sai Nai style shadow play, such as (1) how to dance, (2) the head, (3) the size of the body, (4) narrations and negotiations, (5) the voice of the Joker, (6) musical instruments used in the display, and (7) story about the show. At present the Sai Nai style shadow play areฃ also shown and expertise inherited from Muen Cherd Cherd Chamnan. The Sai Nai style shadow play skillfully is more valuable and a cultural heritage which should be preserved and passed down to future generations.


Sai Nai style shadow play; shadow play; local performing arts; Phetchaburi

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