กระบวนท่ากระบีรำ หรือ ไม้ครูของคณะนายสอน เนียมแก้ว เพชรบุรี

ขันติมา แฉ่งฉายา


This term paper proposes to study the history and compositions of Wai Kroo Krabi Krabong Dance (Thai martial art swordplay) emphasized on the swordplay act of Kru Sorn Neamkaew, the only martial art performer team left in Petchaburi Province called Petchaburi Krabi Krabong. The research made by study from the papers, interview, observations, practices, and videos. The researching tools are
questionnaires and observation lists with the topics and questions conform to the objectives of this research.

The research shows that the Krabi Krabong Dance of Kru Sorn Neamkaew performer team of Petburi province composts with 11 acts are 1. Ready act, 2.Open arm and swing down act, 3. Wai Kroo act, 4. Standup act, 5.Open arms dance act, 6. Sword-Across-Head act, 7.Mai Wak act, 8. Sword to waist act, 9. Mai Oom Tein act, 10. Mai Klub act or Hanumarn Tawai Wan act, and 11. Twist down to sit act. The dance principals consist of 1. Three-Step tempo count on every acts except for Four-Step tempo count in some acts which are the second step of Mai Wak act and the third step of Mai Oom Tein act, 2. The conjunction between acts. Every change of acts consist with the left hand up side Jeeb at the chest and put the heel to the ground one time, and 3. The walk step by bend the knee and lift up the heel. Moreover, while dancing, the dancer shall looks to the sword while it moves in every act because the swords are the
represent of their teacher dancing with them. This shall make the dance beautiful and the dancers are more confident to dance.

The Krabi Krabong dance of Kru Sorn Neamkaew and team of Petchaburi Province is the beautiful and joyful martial Thai folk dance. Appropriately to pass these knowledge to the people of next generation for their acknowledgement and practice. Because of the Krabi Krabong of Petchaburi province is one of value traditional activities and appropriate to preserve and inherit continuously.


Krabi Krabong Dance ; Wai Kru; Kru Sorn Neamkaew Petchaburi

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